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Crime in New Mexico has a ripple affect on all of us.

Have you been affected by vandalism, theft, assault, or any other crime a criminal can commit?
If you answered yes, then you are in the Majority in New Mexico, and even more specifically in the Albuquerque area.

According to the City of Albuquerque website at for 2023 citywide crimes there are shown below with a population of around 562,599.

Crime in New Mexico

In his role as the representative for District 27, Greg is dedicated to addressing the complex issue of crime through a multifaceted and comprehensive strategy. Recognizing the interconnected nature of various factors contributing to criminal activities, Greg is committed to formulating and implementing a range of plans and legislation aimed at creating a safer and more secure community.

One pivotal aspect of Greg’s approach is the emphasis on enhancing community policing. This involves fostering stronger relationships between law enforcement agencies and the communities they serve, promoting a collaborative effort to identify and address local concerns. Greg recognizes that effective community policing not only prevents crime but also builds trust and cooperation between residents and law enforcement.

Additionally, Greg advocates for the expansion of mental health services to address underlying issues contributing to criminal behavior. By investing in mental health resources and support systems, Greg aims to provide individuals with the help they need, steering them away from a path of criminality.

Greg places significant importance on leveraging proven substance abuse programs as part of the strategy. Addressing the root causes of substance abuse through rehabilitation and support services is crucial for breaking the cycle of addiction and reducing related criminal activities.

Reforming bail procedures is another key element of Greg’s approach. By ensuring that bail practices are fair, just, and considerate of individual circumstances, Greg seeks to strike a balance that prevents unnecessary incarceration while safeguarding public safety.

To tackle recidivism, Greg proposes measures to close the cycle for violent and repeat offenders. This involves implementing rehabilitation programs within correctional systems, providing education and vocational training to equip individuals with the skills needed for successful reintegration into society.

Greg also advocates for discontinuing sanctuary city laws, aiming to establish a consistent and uniform approach to immigration enforcement. This approach seeks to create clarity and cooperation between local law enforcement and federal agencies, ensuring the safety and security of communities while upholding the rule of law.

Championing the support for law enforcement officers is integral to Greg’s strategy. This involves advocating for fair compensation, adequate resources, and comprehensive training to empower officers to perform their duties effectively and responsibly.

Lastly, Greg emphasizes the importance of accountability for all actions. This includes not only holding offenders accountable for their actions but also ensuring transparency and responsibility within law enforcement agencies. By promoting accountability at every level, Greg envisions a safer, more just, and cohesive community for District 27.