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Constitutional Rights

In the vibrant context of New Mexico, our shared commitment resonates with the profound importance of safeguarding constitutional rights—a commitment rooted in an unwavering vigilance that recognizes any encroachment on a single right as a direct threat to the entirety of our cherished liberties. Greg fervently asserts that granting politicians unchecked authority to infringe upon these fundamental rights is antithetical to the principles that underpin our democratic society.

With an unwavering dedication to the principles of democracy, Greg is resolute in championing your constitutional rights. These encompass not only the fundamental right to Free Speech but also the freedom to practice Religion without encumbrance and the Right to Bear Arms. Greg recognizes these rights as integral components of our democratic fabric, serving as crucial safeguards against both the perils posed by violent criminal elements and those who would endeavor to undermine the very foundation of our liberties.

Greg’s commitment extends beyond rhetoric—it is a resolute dedication to ensuring that these rights remain inviolable. In doing so, he empowers individuals to protect themselves against threats while simultaneously preserving the bedrock principles that define our democratic society. In essence, Greg stands as a stalwart advocate for your rights, understanding their paramount importance in upholding the integrity of our democratic ideals. Rest assured that, with Greg at the forefront, these rights are not merely affirmed but actively defended to secure a democratic landscape where the rights of individuals stand as an unwavering beacon of liberty.