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In the intricate framework of Election Law, penalties are meticulously outlined for candidates, Political Action Committees (PACs), lobbyists, and financial disclosure filers. However, a discernible void in accountability becomes apparent when scrutinizing political parties, the secretary of state, and county clerks with regard to negligence related to election statutes and ethics. Although Article 7 of the election code meticulously delineates laws applicable to political parties, it conspicuously lacks a statutory mechanism for enforcement.

This observed deficiency underscores the critical necessity for accountability across all political entities, transcending party affiliations. Greg is resolute in his commitment to advocate for the establishment of a more comprehensive framework, one that introduces written civil or criminal penalties for political parties, the secretary of state, and county clerks who neglect their responsibilities under election statutes and ethics.

Acknowledging the imperative for a more balanced and enforceable approach, Greg is unwavering in his determination to drive accountability measures explicitly into election laws through legislative and rulemaking channels. This proactive stance seeks to ensure that every participant in the electoral process, irrespective of their role or political affiliation, is subjected to unambiguous and equitable consequences should they be found in violation of established laws and ethical standards.

This commitment to accountability is not merely an aspirational declaration; it represents a substantive effort to fortify the democratic process. By embedding transparent and just consequences into the electoral system, Greg aims to cultivate a culture of integrity and openness. This proactive approach serves to buttress the democratic pillars, fostering a political landscape where adherence to laws and ethical standards is not just encouraged but legally mandated, thereby elevating the standards of transparency and ethical conduct within our electoral system.